Should you ever find yourself in the difficult position of considering reporting, the guide "Before You Report" has been created by the group #ACCtoo "a movement seeking reform in how the Anglican Church of Canada responds to survivors of sexual violence."
"This is a guide for anyone considering reporting abuse, assault, or misconduct to a church, diocese, school, seminary, or organization associated with the Anglican Church of Canada (ACC). These recommendations are not tailored for any specific diocese or institution. They are also not legal advice and no substitute for professional counsel or therapy. If you have recently experienced sexual violence or need immediate assistance, click here."
Reporting Sexual Misconduct in Rupert's Land
Wondering how to report a complaint of sexual misconduct in the Diocese of Rupert’s Land? Have a question about sexual misconduct within the Diocese? There is a dedicated, confidential phone line at 204-453-3279. Messages go only to the Pastor for Healthy Communities (currently The Rev. Canon Mary Holmen) for response and action. All members of the Diocesan community and the general public can access the Sexual Misconduct Policy for the Diocese of Rupert's Land. The policy sets out the procedures for reporting and responding to complaints of sexual harassment, sexual exploitation, and sexual abuse. A Diocesan Resource Team works with the Bishop and Pastor for Healthy Communities in implementing the policy.